
Dr. Hassan Ayariga to Implement Biweekly Salary Policy for All Ghanaian Workers

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    Dr. Hassan Ayariga, founder of the All People’s Congress (APC), has unveiled a groundbreaking proposal to implement a biweekly salary policy for all Ghanaian workers.

    This innovative plan aims to alleviate financial burdens and promote economic stability among citizens.

    As a seasoned politician and presidential aspirant, Ayariga understands the struggles of Ghanaian households and businesses facing exorbitant expenses and uncertain income.

    His proposal seeks to address these concerns by providing a more frequent and predictable payment schedule.

    Dr. Ayariga’s vision aligns with his broader economic agenda, which includes implementing a 24-hour economy policy to boost productivity and create jobs.

    By adopting this approach, Ghana can mitigate the economic impact of rising costs on low-income families and small businesses.

    The biweekly salary policy is expected to improve cash flow for workers, enabling them to manage expenses and debts efficiently.

    This predictable income will also help alleviate economic uncertainty and anxiety, ultimately reducing financial stress.

    Additionally, biweekly salaries can stimulate consumer spending, driving economic growth. With more frequent payments, workers will have increased disposable income, boosting demand for goods and services.

    While Ayariga’s proposal has garnered support, experts argue that implementation challenges, such as adjusting payroll systems and ensuring fiscal sustainability, need to be addressed.

    The success of this policy will depend on collaboration between the government, private sector, and regulatory bodies.

    As Ghana prepares for the 2024 elections, Ayariga’s pledge has sparked renewed interest in the country’s economic sector.

    Citizens eagerly await the implementation of this promise, hoping for relief from financial struggles.

    With Ayariga’s commitment to economic empowerment, Ghanaians can expect a more prosperous future.

    The APC leader remains optimistic that his proposal will receive bipartisan support and become a reality soon.

    By Kwame Asare

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