


Expert Warns Against Underestimating Anti-Trump Forces in 2024 Election

According to Michael Kwadwo Nketiah, a seasoned researcher and International Relations Analyst, the 2024 US presidential elections is far from being a done deal for Trump and the Republicans.

Despite President Biden’s decision to bow out of the race, Nketiah cautions that the establishment forces that worked against Trump in 2020 are still active and may even be more determined to prevent his return to the White House.

Nketiah points out that Biden’s victory in 2020 was largely due to the efforts of an established political machinery, which wanted Trump out at all cost.

He noted that many Democrats had withheld donations to the Biden campaign upon realization that Trump was more likely to win with Biden on the Democratic ticket.

The expert also highlights the numerous “politically motivated trials” initiated against Trump after his eviction from the White House, as well as clandestine attempts to prevent him from appearing on future presidential ballots demonstrates “how far the establishment may go to prevent Trump from returning to the White House and retire him from US politics.“

As the election approaches, Nketiah predicts that the next few days and weeks will be crucial in American politics.

He speculates that the Democratic establishment may either stick with Kamala Harris, the natural successor to Biden, or reinvent Hillary Clinton for a final showdown with Trump.

Only time will tell how this political drama unfolds, but one thing is certain – the 2024 US presidential election will be a wild ride.

By Kwame Asare

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Rock City Hotel Withdraws from Controversial SSNIT Hotel Investment Deal

In a surprise move, Rock City Hotel has announced its withdrawal from a lucrative hotel investment deal with the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), citing unforeseen circumstances.

The proposed investment, had been met with widespread criticism and opposition from various stakeholders, including workers’ unions and civil society organizations. The deal had been hailed as a strategic partnership to develop a 5-star hotel in Accra, but opponents argued it was a misallocation of SSNIT’s resources.

According to sources close to the negotiations, Rock City Hotel cited “unresolved issues” and “unfavorable market conditions” as reasons for its withdrawal. The company’s management expressed disappointment but emphasized the need to prioritize its interests.

SSNIT officials have yet to comment on the development, but insiders suggest the trust is exploring alternative investment opportunities.

The collapse of the deal is seen as a victory for critics who had raised concerns about the investment’s viability and potential risks to SSNIT’s financial stability. The development also raises questions about the future of hotel investments in Ghana and the role of state-owned institutions in driving economic growth.

Stay tuned for further updates as this story continues to unfold.

source: kwame Asare

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Next NPP Gov’t will put solar panels across all roofs in the country – Nana Akomea

NPP Vows to Cover All Roofs with Solar Panels

In a bold promise, Nana Akomea, a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and part of Vice President Bawumia’s campaign team, has pledged to install solar panels on every roof in Ghana if the NPP wins the next election.

Appearing on Good Morning Ghana on Metro TV, hosted by Dr. Randy Abbey, Nana Akomea declared that the next Bawumia-led government would shift focus from traditional hydro energy to solar energy, providing a cleaner and more sustainable source of power for Ghanaians.

This ambitious promise has sparked both excitement and skepticism among Ghanaians, with some hailing the move towards renewable energy and others questioning the feasibility and cost of the project.

When asked about the implementation plan, Nana Akomea assured that the NPP had a clear strategy in place, but did not provide further details.

Critics have raised concerns about the government’s ability to fund and execute the project, given the country’s current economic challenges.

However, solar energy experts have praised the initiative, citing the benefits of renewable energy and the potential for job creation.

As the debate continues, one thing is clear – the NPP has made a bold promise to Ghanaians, and the nation waits with bated breath to see if they will deliver.

Source:Kwame Asare

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Pratt Jnr.’s Sharp Question Leaves NPP Squirming

What country are you describing to us?”, Kwasi Pratt Jnr asks NPP

Kwesi Pratt Jnr, a veteran journalist and Managing Editor of Insight Newspaper, has questioned the NPP and the Nana Addo administration’s description of Ghana in a recent public speech.

He stated that the economy is at a survival stage and on the verge of collapsing, yet the administration claims everything is fine.

Speaking on Good Morning Ghana with Dr. Randy Abbey, Pratt expressed concern that the NPP administration has done more harm to the country than they are admitting, touting a perfect Ghana that does not exist.

The former Publicity Committee Chairman of the CPP criticized Nana Addo and Bawumia’s rosy depiction of Ghana at the unveiling rally of Napo, where Nana Addo claimed there is no “dumsor” (power outages) and boasted about their achievements in economy, education, and infrastructure development.

However, Pratt argued that Ghanaians are suffering due to the administration’s poor performance, citing high taxes, high cost of living, unstable power supply, corruption, scandals, and misuse of public funds.

He believes the administration should apologize to Ghanaians instead of touting their achievements.

Source: kwame Asare

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That’s a complete lie – Dr. Randy Abbey fires back at Napo

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) running mate and Member of Parliament for Manhyia South, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh (Napo), has faced intense scrutiny and backlash following his controversial statement about Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s achievements.

During his acceptance speech at his unveiling rally in Kumasi, Napo compared his achievements to those of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, claiming that under the latter’s administration, no one has experienced hunger, and the economy is thriving.

However, Dr. Randy Abbey, host of Good Morning Ghana on Metro TV, vehemently disagreed with Napo’s claims, labeling them as “complete lies.”

Dr. Abbey urged Napo to visit the Ghana Statistical Service to access accurate data, revealing that over 850,000 Ghanaians go to bed with empty stomachs, according to the multidimensional poverty index.

He also cited the 2023 Global Hunger Index, which ranks Ghana 62nd out of 125 countries with a moderate hunger level (score of 13.7), and the 2024 Food Insecurity report, which indicates that 2 million people are food insecure, with 657,000 children under 5 chronically malnourished.

Source: Kwame Asare

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NPP South Korea Chairman Hails Bawumia’s Choice of Opoku Prempeh as Running Mate

Mr. Richard Zinleri, Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) South Korea Branch, has commended Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the party’s Flagbearer, for selecting Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as his Vice Presidential Candidate for the upcoming December elections.

Zinleri praised the choice, stating that the Energy Minister and MP for Manhyia was the ideal candidate to help secure a third term for the NPP under the Fourth Republic.

On Oman FM, Zinleri expressed his full support for the NEC’s decision, congratulating the party’s grassroots base for endorsing the pairing.

He urged party members in Ghana and the diaspora to intensify their campaign efforts, emphasizing that the move was long overdue and a perfect choice for the December polls.

Zinleri, a prominent Ghanaian businessman and International Development Cooperation Practitioner based in South Korea, reiterated his confidence in the pair’s ability to secure an outright victory.

“This is a perfect and solid pair. It is possible with Bawumia and NAPO,” he emphasized.

As CEO of Ghana Korea Trading Company Limited in South Korea, Zinleri brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the party.

His endorsement reflects the growing support for Dr. Bawumia’s candidacy, with many party members expressing optimism about the party’s chances in the upcoming elections.

By Adu Gyamfi odopa

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Betrayal of Heritage: Here are Dr. Nkrumah’s Achievements and Projects Napo Should Know

The Member of Parliament for Manhyia South and running mate for Dr. Bawumia, Hon. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, has taken a swipe at Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s achievements, dragging them through the mud.

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was a Ghanaian politician and leader who played a significant role in the country’s fight for independence from British colonial rule. Some of his notable achievements include:

1. Leading Ghana to independence: Nkrumah was instrumental in Ghana’s fight for independence, which was finally achieved on March 6, 1957.

2. Africanization of the economy: He implemented policies aimed at increasing African ownership and control of the economy, reducing foreign domination.

3. Industrialization and infrastructure development: Nkrumah’s government invested in industrial projects like the Akosombo Dam, Tema Steel Works, and the Ghana Airways.

4. Education and healthcare: He prioritized education and healthcare, establishing schools, universities, and hospitals, including the University of Ghana and the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

5. Pan-Africanism: Nkrumah was a key figure in the Pan-African movement, promoting African unity and solidarity. He hosted the 1965 African Heads of State summit, which led to the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

6. Nationalist and anti-colonial leader: He inspired nationalist movements across Africa and beyond, fighting against colonialism and imperialism.

7. Economic development: Nkrumah implemented policies aimed at rapid economic development, including the construction of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects.

8. Cultural promotion: He encouraged Ghanaian culture, promoting traditional arts, music, and dance.

9. International relations: Nkrumah played a key role in international affairs, participating in the Non-Aligned Movement and advocating for global peace and cooperation.

10. Visionary leadership: He had a vision for a united, prosperous, and independent Africa, inspiring generations of Africans and global leaders.

These achievements have made Dr. Kwame Nkrumah a celebrated figure in Ghanaian and African history.

Here are some of the notable projects implemented by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s government:

1. Akosombo Dam (1965) – a hydroelectric dam on the Volta River, providing electricity for Ghana and neighboring countries.

2. Tema Steel Works (1965) – a steel production facility to industrialize Ghana’s economy.

3. Ghana Airways (1958) – the national airline, established to promote air travel and connectivity.

4. University of Ghana (1948) – a premier tertiary institution for higher education.

5. Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (1959) – a major hospital for medical care and training.

6. Tema Harbour (1961) – a modern seaport for international trade and commerce.

7. Accra-Tema Motorway (1965) – a major highway connecting Accra and Tema.

8. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (1952) – a science and technology university in Kumasi.

9. Ghana National Museum (1957) – a museum showcasing Ghana’s history, culture, and art.

10. Black Star Square (1961) – a ceremonial grounds and monument in Accra, symbolizing Ghana’s independence.

11. State House (1965) – the official residence and office of the President of Ghana.

12. Volta River Authority (1961) – a state-owned agency managing the Volta River and its resources.

13. Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (1953) – a state-owned media organization for radio and television broadcasting.

14. National Theatre (1992) – a performing arts center in Accra (initiated by Nkrumah but completed after his rule).

These projects reflect Nkrumah’s vision for Ghana’s economic, social, and cultural development, and many remain important national assets today.

By kwame Asare

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“Add your so-called Kwame Nkrumah”, Napo shows gross arrogance again

The Member of Parliament for Manhyia South and running mate for Dr. Bawumia, Hon. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, has taken a swipe at Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s achievements, dragging them through the mud.

In his acceptance speech at his unveiling rally in Kumasi, Napo was captured on video taunting Nana Addo’s achievements compared to those of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

In an arrogant manner, Napo said that since 1957, no government has done better than his excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo, not even our so-called Kwame Nkrumah.

The “so-called Kwame Nkrumah” comments came just moments after Otumfour Osei Tutu, the Ashanti king, admonished him for his arrogant tag.

Napo’s comments are a gross disrespect to Dr. Nkrumah and his own party leader, former President Kuffour, and their achievements.

Napo has been criticized for his arrogant behavior over some time now, with the most recent instance being when he told Ghanaians to draw their own low-power schedule time.

Nkrumah is known to be Ghana’s best president, fighting for independence and numerous developmental projects of which the current Ghana is benefiting from.

By Kwame Asare

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I said there is no dumsor – Nana Addo

In a bold move, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo has categorically denied the existence of Dumsor, that have plagued Ghana in recent times.

Despite widespread complaints from citizens and businesses, the President remains resolute in his stance, attributing the recent power crisis to technical issues rather than a shortage of power supply.

Speaking at the unveiling rally of Napo in Kumasi, President Akuffo Addo assured Ghanaians that the recent power outages are not a result of Dumsor.

He emphasized that his government has worked tirelessly to improve the country’s power generation and distribution, and that the energy sector is more stable than ever before.

The President’s assertion has sparked mixed reactions, with some Ghanaians expressing skepticism and others supporting his stance.

The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has criticized the government’s handling of the energy sector, accusing them of mismanaging the country’s power resources.

Ghana has experienced frequent power outages in recent months, leading to widespread frustration and disruption of businesses and daily life.

The Sector Minister, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, who is also the running mate to Vice President Dr. Bawumia, has instructed Ghanaians to develop their own low-power timetables to cope with the situation.

However, President Akuffo Addo has dismissed these concerns, insisting that Napo has managed the energy sector better than any other sector minister has done.

He urged Ghanaians to disregard rumors and speculations about a power crisis, assuring them that the government is working hard to address the technical issues affecting the power supply.

Despite the President’s assurances, many Ghanaians remain unconvinced, citing the frequent power outages and the impact on their livelihoods.

The opposition NDC has called for the government to take responsibility for the power crisis and to implement urgent measures to address the situation.

As the debate continues, one thing is clear, the power crisis has become a major political issue in Ghana, with the government and opposition locked in a bitter dispute over who is responsible and how to resolve the situation.

The President’s denial of Dumsor has only added fuel to the fire, and it remains to be seen how this issue will play out in the coming weeks and months.

By Kwame Asare

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Unity will help us break the 8 – Ken

Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, Member of Parliament for Assin Central and a contender for the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) flag-bearer position, has emphasized the importance of unity within the party to achieve victory in the upcoming election.

Addressing party stakeholders and supporters at the Napo unveiling in Kumasi, Hon. Agyapong reaffirmed his commitment to remain in the party and support its efforts to win power.

He urged his followers, particularly those who are uncertain or angry that he has joined Dr. Bawumia’s campaign, to put aside their differences and rally behind the party.

Hon. Agyapong cautioned that the alternative, a potential victory for John Mahama and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), would be detrimental to the country’s progress.

He emphasized that unity is crucial to achieving the party’s goals and ensuring a better future for all Ghanaians.

By Kwame Asare

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